
Port of Edmonds Commission Meeting Agenda   May 8, 2023   7:00pm I. CALL TO ORDER II. FLAG SALUTE III. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Agenda B. Approval of Payments C. Approval of Resolution No. 23-02, Bank Signatory Authorization IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS (For any issues not already on the Agenda; 3 minute limit) V. PRESENTATIONS A....

APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO PORT COMMISSION PORT OF EDMONDS - DISTRICT 1 The Port of Edmonds is seeking applicants for Commission Position One soon to be vacated by Commissioner Angela Harris. Applicants must reside in Edmonds Port District 1 (District 1 map). Applications will be accepted now through...

We are starting 2023 with our annual electrical inspections on all marina docks - please find additional information below. As always, let us know if you have any questions.   What does electrical testing mean for our boaters? During the test, your vessel will briefly be unplugged from shore...

  From all of us at the Port of Edmonds, we hope you had a wonderful holiday season! We appreciate your business and are proud that you call Edmonds your homeport. It was our pleasure to serve you in 2022, and we are looking forward to...

PORT OF EDMONDS COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA October 10, 2022  7:00pm   I. CALL TO ORDER II. FLAG SALUTE III. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Agenda B. Approval of September 26, 2022 Meeting Minutes C. Approval of Payments IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS (For any issues not already on the Agenda; 3 minute limit) V. PRESENTATIONS A. North Portwalk...

PORT COMMISSION OF THE PORT OF EDMONDS    MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING (Hybrid Meeting)       June 13, 2022 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT David Preston, President Steve Johnston, Vice President Jim Orvis, Secretary Jay Grant Angela Harris STAFF PRESENT Bob McChesney, Executive Director Brandon Baker, Director of Marina Operations Brittany Williams, Manager of Properties and Economic Development OTHERS PRESENT Jordan...

We are starting 2022 with our annual electrical inspections on all marina docks - please find additional information below. As always, let us know if you have any questions. What does electrical testing mean for our boaters? During the test, your vessel will briefly be unplugged from...

Cold temperatures were not on our holiday wish list, but they are arriving anyways. Unfortunately, the upcoming forecast includes sustained nighttime, and daytime freezing temperatures, which means the Port must shut off the water system. Please check the below schedule for impacted facilities and timelines....