Commission Notices

Special Commission meeting notices, cancellations, rescheduling, conferences on this page

PORT COMMISSION OF THE PORT OF EDMONDS  MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING (Via Zoom, Hybrid Meeting)  August 4, 2023 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Steve Johnston, President Jim Orvis, Vice President Jay Grant, Secretary Janelle Cass David Preston STAFF PRESENT Angela Harris, Executive Director Brandon Baker, Director of Marina Operations Brian Menard, Director of Facilities and Maintenance Brittany Williams, Manager of...

PORT COMMISSION OF THE PORT OF EDMONDS   MINUTES OF SPECIAL COMMISSION MEETING AND STAFF RETREAT (Via Zoom, Hybrid Meeting)   July 31, 2023 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Steve Johnston, President Jim Orvis, Vice President Jay Grant, Secretary Janelle Cass David Preston STAFF PRESENT Angela Harris, Executive Director Brandon Baker, Director of Marina Operations Brian Menard, Director of Facilities &...

PORT OF EDMONDS COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA August 28, 2023  7:00pm I. CALL TO ORDER II. FLAG SALUTE III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA IV. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of July 31, 2023 and August 4, 2023 Meeting Minutes B. Approval of Payments V. PUBLIC COMMENTS (For any issues not already on the Agenda; 3 minute...

PUBLIC NOTICE MEETING CANCELLATION PORT OF EDMONDS The Port of Edmonds has cancelled their regularly scheduled Commission Meeting on Monday August 14, 2023 at 7:00 pm. Our next regularly scheduled Commission Meeting will be on Monday, August 28, 2023 at 7:00pm. The public is invited to attend in...

Special Commission Meeting August 4, 2023  10:00am I. CALL TO ORDER II. FLAG SALUTE III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS (For any issues not already on the Agenda; 3 minute limit) V. POSSIBLE ACTION A. Approve the Purchase of a Dry Storage Forklift Replacement. B. Approve the Purchase of a Replacement for...

PORT COMMISSION OF THE PORT OF EDMONDS    MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING (Via Zoom, Hybrid Meeting)     June 26, 2023 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Steve Johnston, President Jim Orvis, Vice President Jay Grant, Secretary Janelle Cass (via Zoom) David Preston STAFF PRESENT Angela Harris, Executive Director Brandon Baker, Director of Marina Operations Tina Drennan, Manager of Finance and...

PUBLIC NOTICE MEETING CANCELLATION AND SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE PORT OF EDMONDS The Port of Edmonds has cancelled their regularly scheduled commission business meeting on Monday July 10, 2023 at 7:00 pm, and instead will have a Special Commission Meeting and Retreat on Monday, July 31, 2023 at 9:00am. The...

PORT COMMISSION OF THE PORT OF EDMONDS   MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING (Via Zoom, Hybrid Meeting)  June 20, 2023 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Steve Johnston, President Jim Orvis, Vice President Jay Grant, Secretary Janelle Cass David Preston STAFF PRESENT Angela Harris, Executive Director Brandon Baker, Director of Marina Operations Tina Drennan, Manager of Finance and Accounting Brittany Williams, Manager of...

PORT COMMISSION OF THE PORT OF EDMONDS   MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING (Via Zoom, Hybrid Meeting)   June 12, 2023 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Steve Johnston, President Jim Orvis, Vice President Jay Grant, Secretary Janelle Cass (Via Zoom) David Preston STAFF PRESENT Angela Harris, Executive Director Brandon Baker, Director of Marina Operations Tina Drennan, Manager of Finance and Accounting OTHERS PRESENT Jordan...

Commission Meeting Agenda  June 26, 2023   7:00pm I. CALL TO ORDER II. FLAG SALUTE III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA IV. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of June 12, 2023 and June 20, 2023 Meeting Minutes B. Approval of Payments V. PUBLIC COMMENTS (For any issues not already on the Agenda; 3 minute limit) VI. POSSIBLE...