Commission Meeting Minutes 8-12-19

Commission Meeting Minutes 8-12-19


Steve Johnston, President                                          Bruce Faires (Excused)
Jim Orvis, Vice President
Angela Harris, Secretary
David Preston

STAFF PRESENT                                                  OTHERS PRESENT
Bob McChesney, Executive Director                        Karin Noyes, Recorder
Marla Kempf, Deputy Director
Tina Drennan, Finance Manager
Brittany Williams, Properties and Marketing Manager


President Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


All those in attendance participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.






Kevin Coulombe, United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, Flotilla 12 operating out of Edmonds, advised that the Coast Guard Auxiliary conducts patrols and safety inspections of personal watercraft in the harbor. On behalf of the Coast Guard, he thanked the Port for allowing them to participate in the Family Day Event and for allowing them to conduct their meetings in the Commission Meeting Room.

Tana Vanzant, Edmonds, reported on a situation she encountered on August 11th while walking along the boardwalk between the Dog Park and Brackett’s Landing. She advised that during an afternoon event at the Edmonds Yacht Club, a young child wandered away without an adult following. She quickly went after her, but she made it all the way onto M/N Dock where she could easily have slipped and fallen into the water. Ms. Vanzant said that by the time she reached the child, she was climbing onto one of the dinghies that was tied up to the dock. The child struggled, but she was able to carry her back to the event at the Edmonds Yacht Club. She advised that a similar situation occurred just a few weeks earlier when a child wandered away from an event and ended up near M/N Dock, but she was able to steer him away from the water and back towards the event. She said she was present to inform the Port of the two situations and ask that they consider how to make the marina safer, particularly during events.

Commissioner Preston thanked Ms. Vanzant for taking the time to advise the Commission and Port staff of this safety issue. Mr. McChesney said he is not sure about the best way to address the problem at this time, but he thanked her for bringing it to the Port’s attention. Commissioner Orvis thanked Ms. Vanzant for noticing a dangerous situation and taking action.


Mr. McChesney reviewed that the Port has been working with the City for a number of years to place a crosswalk on Admiral Way. The original request was for a crosswalk at the intersection of Dayton Street and Admiral Way. However, City staff has advised that it is not possible to put a crosswalk in that location. He announced that Mr. Hauss was present to discuss the pros and cons of two alternative locations for the crosswalk. He thanked Council Member Teitzel for working with the Port and helping to facilitate the crosswalk project from the City’s side.

Bertrand Hauss, Edmonds Transportation Engineer, explained that a crosswalk would not be possible at the intersection of Dayton Street and Admiral Way because the line of sight would be inadequate. Based on the speed on the two streets, the sight line distance would need to be at least 200 feet in both directions, which is not possible given the 90-degree turn. There are also a number of driveways in the immediate vicinity that would make a crosswalk in this location unsafe. Lastly, he advised that tourists who are unfamiliar with the area would not expect to see pedestrians as they approach the intersection to turn from one street to another.

Mr. Hauss said he met with Mr. McChesney to discuss two potential alternatives, and both would provide adequate space to meet the sight-distance requirement. It is anticipated that bulb-outs and 6-inch tall curbs would be added on both sides of the street, as well as pedestrian-actuated, solar-powered, rapid-flashing beacon lights. An American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) ramp would also be included as part of the project. He explained that the bulb-out/curb design would reduce the number of parking spaces that would have to be eliminated to accommodate the crosswalk. It would also reduce the amount of unprotected area within the crosswalk from 44 feet to about 24 feet.

• Alternative 1 – The Port has suggested that a crosswalk be located on Admiral Way just south of Jacobsen’s Marine. This location would meet the sight distance requirement, but a street light would need to be added (approximately $10,000 to $15,000) to improve safety conditions during the nighttime hours. Mr. McChesney advised that this location would better serve the people who park in the gravel parking lot during events at the Edmonds Yacht Club. Mr. Hauss voiced concern that people would avoid using the crosswalk because it would be located too far away from the intersection (about 600 feet).

• Alternative 2 – City staff is recommending a crosswalk closer to the intersection of Dayton Street and Admiral Way, just south of the driveway to Arnies Restaurant. A street light already exists in this location, but it may need to be upgraded to LED lights. Because there is already an access on one side of the street in this location, fewer parking stalls would need to be eliminated to accommodate the crosswalk. Mr. Hauss advised that pedestrians would still have to walk about 300 feet from the intersection to get to a crosswalk in this location.

Mr. Hauss summarized that the flashing beacons have an approximately four to six-week turnaround, and City Crews will install the bulb outs and curbs. The goal is to have the crosswalk in place within the next few months. The estimated cost of the project is $15,000 for the flashing beacon and $5,000-$10,000 for the concrete work. If Alternative 1 is selected, a new street light would also be required at an estimated cost of $15,000. He reminded the Port of their commitment to share the projects costs 50/50 with the City of Edmonds. McChesney also commented the Port’s share would be 50%, not to exceed $40,000.

Commissioner Orvis voiced concern that Alternative 1 would be too far south from the intersection and Alternative 2 would be too far north from the driveway used by the Edmonds Yacht Club. He suggested that pedestrians are less likely to use the crosswalk if they have to walk too far. He noted that, currently, many pedestrians choose to walk across the street instead of using the sidewalk further down because it offers a quicker route to their destination. He also voiced concern that Alternative 2 would be too far away from the intersection, and pedestrians would still cross at the intersection rather than walking 300 feet to the crosswalk and then back again. He suggested that they may be better off not spending money to install a crosswalk if it is in a location that will not get used. He commented that pedestrians will still want to cross at the intersection, yet a crosswalk in that location is unfeasible.

Commissioner Johnston asked about the Port’s liability risk if they do not put in a crosswalk on Admiral Way. Mr. McChesney answered that the primary responsibility for public safety falls to the City. Commissioner Johnston agreed but commented that the Port still has a vested interest in the safety of the citizens who visit the Port.

Commissioner Orvis observed that Admiral Way is essentially the center aisle of a continuous parking lot along both sides. He expressed his belief that, regardless of whether or not a crosswalk is installed, pedestrians will still get out of their cars and cross the street without walking down to the crosswalk.

Mr. McChesney commented that adding a crosswalk at the intersection would also compromise the turning radius, which is needed for large trucks and boats with trailers. Blocking or limiting the turning radius would result in unintended consequences. Mr. Hauss also pointed out that a crosswalk at the intersection would require a long diagonal crossing, which would be unsafe.

Commissioner Orvis suggested that perhaps a better use of funds would be to add signs warning people on the roadway to watch for pedestrians. Mr. Hauss responded that signage is good, but it only works on a temporary basis. After a few weeks, routine drivers do not notice them anymore.

Commissioner Harris asked if the City has any other plans to improve pedestrian safety in this area, and Mr. Hauss responded that the existing crosswalk on Dayton Street at the entrance to Harbor Square will be enhanced as part of the City’s Crosswalk Improvement Program that will begin in 2020. The intent is to install rapid-flashing beacons on both sides, as well as a refuge island in the middle. Once the project is completed, the crosswalk will provide a much safer alternative for pedestrians to cross the street.

Commissioner Harris asked for Mr. McChesney’s thoughts on where the most traffic will be and whether Alternative 1 or Alternative 2 would be the best location. She voiced concern that there is currently no safe place for people with children, the elderly, or the disabled to safely cross the street. Mr. McChesney responded that there is currently parking on both sides of Admiral Way and people tend to get out of their cars and immediately cross over the street. He said there does not appear to be a good solution that will address all of the concerns. He reminded them that a crosswalk on Admiral Way would be needed if the vacant parcel is developed as there would be surges of people crossing the street on a daily basis.

Commissioner Orvis suggested that perhaps the City could install a pedestrian crossing sign with flashing yellow lights to draw motorists’ attention to pedestrians. He pointed out that the City of Shoreline is installing flashing LED lights on their stop signs. Mr. Hauss agreed this approach works not only at night, but during the day, too.

Commissioner Preston observed that the current safety issues will not be adequately addressed unless a crosswalk is added close to the intersection, which is where most of the illegal crossings occur.

Mr. McChesney suggested that the Commission postpone its decision until after the City has completed the crosswalk enhancement near Harbor Square to see if the situation improves. Mr. Hauss cautioned that the crosswalk enhancement is part of a city-wide crossing project that is funded by a Federal Grant. It is currently in the design phase, and construction is not expected to begin until 2020.

Council Member Teitzel asked the Commissioners to consider the safety needs of people with young children, the disabled, and the elderly who may not want to cross the street without a crosswalk. One of the two options would provide additional safety measures for these groups of people, particularly if a flashing beacon light is added.

Commissioner Orvis said he understands that people get accustomed to the plain yellow pedestrian signs, but a flashing sign would capture their attention better. Perhaps flashing pedestrian signs could be installed at the approaches to the intersection to warn drivers of the heavy pedestrian area.

Commissioner Preston asked if the speed limit could be reduced. Commissioner Orvis responded that the City has been resistant to that approach. He reviewed that the City is bound by the requirements in the Federal Traffic Manual. Again, he suggested that Admiral Way should be classified as a center aisle in a parking lot rather than a major thoroughfare.


Mr. McChesney recommended that the Commission accept the contract with Brink Electric, LLC for the Harbor Square Fire Alarm System Replacement as complete. Based on an inspection by the Fire Marshall, there was one change order that resulted in an additional charge of $5,349.



Mr. McChesney recommended that the Commission accept the Harbor Square Asphalt Repair Contract with Emerald Paving, Inc. as complete. He noted that a deduction of $2,924 was taken for an adjustment in the scope of work. He explained that the subgrade was in better condition than anticipated, and the Port received a credit for the rock that was supposed to be placed there. He said Port staff is happy with the work that was performed.

Commissioner Orvis asked if the paving work at Harbor Square is finished, and Mr. McChesney answered that it would take another four or five years to repave all of the areas. The tenants have been reasonably understanding about the Port’s approach of doing sections of paving each year because it allows them to minimize disruptions and it spreads the Common Area Maintenance (CAM) charges over a longer period of time. He said the new asphalt should last for a good number of years.



As reported at the last Commission Meeting, Mr. McChesney reviewed that approximately three weeks ago, a building tenant reported that there were new observable cracks appearing in the walls inside Building 3. Upon inspection by the Port’s Facilities and Maintenance Manager, dry rot was discovered in the structural glue lam beams up in the crawl space rafters and soffits. The problems that are known today are located in two areas: on the westerly side above the primary building entrance and on the easterly side cantilevered above the old bank drive-through passage. He provided pictures to illustrate the existing conditions.

Due to the apparently advanced deterioration of critical structural components, Mr. McChesney said he asked Building Envelope Engineers (BEE), a current tenant at Harbor Square, to do a condition survey, and a copy of the report was attached to the Staff Report. He reported that the problems are a result of prolonged water intrusion from improperly installed window seals, poorly installed roof parapet edge coping/flashing and cracked stucco cladding.

Mr. McChesney advised that, upon the recommendation of BEE, CG Engineering, a local structural engineering firm, was called in to evaluate the integrity of the glue lam beams and other supports, and this report was also attached to the Staff Report. He summarized that the beams and supports were determined to be in very poor condition and potentially susceptible to failure. While not all of the beams and supports are like that (only those that could be seen by exposing them from below and by removing small sections of stucco exterior), enough was inspected to recommend immediate structural shoring using temporary beams and extension jacks. The work was accomplished by Port staff on August 7th.

Mr. McChesney advised that permanent repairs will be required, but the extent has not been fully determined. Phase 2 will be engineered structural remediation design and permitting by CG, and Phase 3 will be to correct the external building envelope issues. It is anticipated that almost the entire external cladding will need to be replaced with a different material. The project will also most likely require new windows, coping/flashing and anything else discovered during the process. At this time, the cost of the project is unknown and difficult to estimate. The Port will follow the requirements of the City’s Building Official and public works bidding procedures.

Mr. McChesney advised that C&G is currently working on a scope of work and budget to carry on with the engineering portion of the project. These documents should be available by the end of the week and staff will bring them back to the Commission on August 26th. Another contract will be required for engineers to design and finish the work. He summarized that the cost will be significant, but the Port is committed to providing quality, safe and energy-efficient buildings. Over time, the work will pay back, but they haven’t yet sketched out the economics.

Commissioner Johnston asked if any of these concerns were noted when the roof was replaced recently. Mr. McChesney advised that the roof was in poor condition prior to replacement, but there was no reason to believe that the beams and supports were damaged, as well. He summarized that there is more than one entry location for water and it has dripped behind the stucco cladding, too.

Commissioner Preston asked if staff anticipates finding a lot more damaged beams and supports. He asked if, at some point, it would be better to tear the building down and rebuild it. Mr. McChesney agreed that is one potential outcome. However, staff is optimistic that the problems can be fixed in a cost-effective manner.

Commissioner Orvis asked if the other buildings at Harbor Square would be inspected, too, and Mr. McChesney answered affirmatively. Staff intends to assess the other buildings one at a time. Commissioner Johnston asked if tenants in other buildings have reported any issues, and Mr. McChesney answered no. He said staff expects to find water intrusion on the other buildings, but not the significant structural damage that has occurred at Building 3.


Ms. Kempf referred to the written 2nd Port Operations Quarterly Activity Report, and highlighted the following:

• Public Launch — Round trips increased by 17% over 2nd Quarter 2018 for a total of 83 more round trips, and one-way launches decreased by 4%.
• Guest Moorage – The number of boats increased by 18% compared to 2nd Quarter 2018 or 112 more boats. The number of nights decreased from 887 to 864. The number of groups using guest moorage stayed the same (6), and the number of vessels also stayed the same (41). However, the number of nights for groups decreased by 13% from 99 to 86.
• Fuel Dock – Total gallons sold was up 4%. Unleaded fuel was down by 3% and diesel was up by 10% compared to 2nd Quarter 2018. This was surprising given that Freedom Boat Club purchased fuel 119 times during the quarter.
• Boatyard and Travelift – The Boatyard continues to be busy. In 2018, stall usage was up 33% or 203 more days compared to 2nd quarter 2017. This year, there was a 19% increase in Boatyard days (156 more) over 2nd quarter 2018, putting this year’s numbers 52% higher than in 2017. This might be partially fueled by the Tenant Rewards Program that allows tenants to earn a free day in the Boatyard for every 150 gallons of fuel they purchase. Also, Jacobsen’s Marine substantially increased the Travelift and Boatyard activity.
• Environmental Updates – A recent Snohomish County inspection of waste and recycling areas revealed no violations, and a Snohomish County Permit for hazardous waste handling was renewed. Stormwater seasonal averages were calculated and reported to the Department of Ecology in Quarter 2. The 2019 seasonal average for zinc levels was 88 ug/L, the seasonal average benchmark was 85 ug/L, and the maximum daily benchmark was 90 ug/L. The 2019 seasonal average for copper was 37.3 ug/L, the seasonal average benchmark was 50 ug/L and the maximum daily benchmark was 148 ug/L. The sample point is the outfall under the Administration Building, which handles not only the Boatyard water, but water from the streets and parking lot. Staff has met with Landau Associates to assist with formulating a Level 3 Response to the DOE for the 3 ug/L seasonal average zinc exceedance. The intent is to add a supplement to the previous Level 3 Response to recommend that the Port install some of the cylinders that the Facilities and Maintenance Manager created in the drains in the parking lot. They thought about moving the sample location to the end of the Boatyard, but then the copper samples would not be as good. The goal is to stay at the same location, if possible. The big change between 2016 and 2017 was the switch to crushed oyster shells as opposed to whole oyster shells. The Boatyard, in general, is doing incredibly well in meeting the benchmarks due to simple Best Management Practices (BMPs) and the oyster shell filtration.
• Water Moorage – There were only 15 terminations during the 2nd Quarter of 2019 compared to 22 in 2018. The turnover ratio was 2.26%. There were 44 assignments in 2019 compared to 48 in 2018.
• Dry Storage – There were 9 terminations during the 2nd Quarter of 2019 compared to 5 in 2018 and 11 in 2017. The turnover ratio was 4.02%. There were 53 assignments in 2019 compared to 59 in 2018 and 53 in 2017.
• Events and Training – Family Day at the Marina was June 1st, and Annie Crawley organized a clean-up dive at Docks C and D. Training continues with all applicable operations staff members on the Travelift and both work boats. There are now three Travelift operators for the first time in a year. A crew of eight seasonal staff were brought aboard and training is ongoing. Six are new and two are returning from last year.

Commissioner Preston asked how many of the Boatyard days were free and how many were paid for. Ms. Kempf said that, rather than “free” she calls them “earned reimbursement or a reward.” She said she doesn’t have the numbers but could provide them at the next meeting. Commissioner Preston asked how often Jacobsen’s Marine uses the Travelift, and Ms. Kempf answered that they use it every day, sometimes twice each day or more.

Commissioner Orvis commented that the plastic sheets that are required in the Boatyard are doing a good job of decreasing the levels of zinc and copper in the stormwater runoff. He noted that some other Boatyards have chosen to sweep rather than use the plastic. Commissioner Preston commented that perhaps sweeping would be a better option since the plastic has to be thrown away. Ms. Kempf said they used to recycle the plastic, but this option is no longer available. However, she noted that sweeping will not likely result in the same good results. Also, plastic tarps are a requirement of the boatyard permit.


Ms. Williams presented the 2nd Quarter Harbor Square Report, specifically highlighting the following:

• Gross projected revenue was up 3.47% or roughly $17,637 over the same period in 2018.
• The occupancy rate at the end of 2nd Quarter was 98.37%, which is .31% greater than the occupancy rate during the same period in 2018.
• There was one new lease in Building 3 for 12 months. There were also three lease extensions and one lease expansion.
• There were no tenant improvements.
• One lease terminated due to retirement. This was a Building 2 tenant leasing a small office in B-6.
• Projects worth noting in Quarter 2 include the installation of a new fire alarm monitoring panel and completion of the Dayton/SR-104 Corner Landscaping project. Other projects included backflow testing and irrigation system repair, which were done in house.
• There were no incidents to report in Quarter 2.

Mr. McChesney reported that the Dayton/SR-104 Landscaping Project turned out well. Staff worked hard to complete the project, and he thanked Council Member Teitzel for helping facilitate a City project to trim in an ADA compliant ramp onto the sidewalk. This is an example of how entities can work together to accomplish community projects. Commissioner Orvis commented that the landscaped area would be a good location for a bench, which could be funded through the City’s memorial bench program.


Ms. Drennan presented the 2nd Quarter Financial Statements, noting that revenues and expenses and net income are all trending upwards. Actual revenues were $178,000 greater than budget, and actual expenses were $351,000 less than budget. This is primarily due to timing. Gross profit for the 6-month period ending June 30th was $4,048,000, which was $114,000 greater than budget. Net income for the same period was $1,361,000. Highlights include:

• Net Fuel Sales were about $82,000, which was about $17,000 greater than budget.
• Miscellaneous revenue was about $72,000 or about $29,000 greater than budget.
• Permanent Moorage revenues was about $1,805,000, or about $7,300 less than budget.
• Dry Storage revenue was about $357,000 or about $9,000 greater than budget.
• Travelift revenue was about $73,000 or about $18,000 greater than budget.
• Workyard revenue was about $66,000 or about $14,000 greater than budget.

Ms. Drennan advised that rental property (Harbor Square) revenues were $1,061,499 or about $8,000 greater than budget. Operating expenses before depreciation for the 6-month period were $2,359,000, which is $233,000 or 9% less than budget. Net income for the 6-month period was $1,361,000 which is approximately $529,000 greater than budget. Highlights include:

• Professional fees were about $52,000 or almost $85,000 less than budget.
• Repair and maintenance expenses were about $239,000 or approximately $48,000 greater than budget.
• Salaries and wage expenses were about $994,000 or approximately $70,000 less than budget due to time sensitive allocations.
• Supplies were about $148,000 or approximately $78,000 less than budget.
• Depreciation was about $688,000 or approximately $78,000 less than budget.
• Interest income was about $172,000 or approximately $66,000 greater than budget.

Ms. Drennan reported that Marina revenues and expenses are trending upwards, and net income is trending upwards, as well. Actual operating revenues were about $3,014,000 or approximately $82,000 greater than budget and operating expenses before depreciation and overhead were about $1,319,000 or approximately $50,000 less than budget. Net income was about $652,000 or approximately $354,000 greater than budget.

Ms. Drennan further reported that rental property revenues are trending upwards and expenses do not appear to have a trend at this time. Net income is generally trending upwards, too. Actual operating revenues were about $1,365,000 or $5,000 greater than budget and operating expenses before depreciation and overhead were about $300,000 or approximately $26,000 less than budget. Net income was about $709,000 or about $141,000 greater than budget.

Ms. Drennan reviewed the investing summary, which included the following highlights:

• The Port has 18 long-term investments, and the next bond matures in September 2019
• A $250,000 bond matured in June 2019. The Port held the bond for 56 months with a coupon of 1.30%. Interest on liquid funds rose from 0.09% in January 2015 to 2.54% in June 2019.
• On June 3rd the Port purchased a $513,000 non-callable, 16-month bond at $499,268. All interest is payable at maturity.
• On June 3rd the Port purchased a $500,000 non-callable, 48-month bond with a coupon of $2.125%.
• On June 19th the Port purchased a $500,000 callable, 60-month bond with a coupon of 2.4%.
• The Port earned interest of about $172,000 in the first two quarters of 2019, which is 68% greater than the same period in 2018.
• The Capital Replacement Reserve is currently at about $11 million, with part of the reserve in cash reserves and part invested long term.
• As of June, the Port has $803,000 remaining in outstanding depth, and all of it is due within one year.


Ms. Drennan reviewed the proposed 2020 Budget Meeting Schedule, noting that staff has started working on the preliminary operating and capital budgets and will be ready to begin discussions with the Commission on a variety of budget items at the August 26th Commission meeting. She advised that the Commission would hold a workshop discussion on the 2020 Preliminary Budget on October 14th, and a public hearing and continued discussion on October 28th. On November 12th, it is anticipated the Commission will approve the 2020 tax levy, bank excess capacity, approve the 2020 budget, and approve the 2020 moorage rates, dry storage rates and marina operations fees.

Ms. Drennan asked to meet with the Finance Committee at the end of September or early October before the preliminary budget has been presented to the Commission. Commissioner Orvis asked that Commissioners forward any potential special budget items to the staff by August 26th.


Mr. McChesney announced that the Mid Marina Breakwater Condition Survey has been completed and will be presented to the Commission on August 26th. Shortly after that, the Commission will be asked to make a decision as to the best and most cost-effective solution. He anticipates that the next step will be engineering, design and permitting, which will work together and take some time. He anticipates permitting could take up to a year to complete. The breakwater is not facing imminent failure, but it has been degraded enough that they need to move forward with the permit phase as soon as possible.

Mr. McChesney recalled that the Port retained the services of an acoustical consultant to conduct a decibel reading at the Dry Storage Facility. He expects the report will be available next week, and he will report the findings on August 26th. He said he will wait to have the report in hand before engaging in discussions with the uphill community.

Ms. Kempf reported that the results of the Stormwater Pilot Study are available. She recalled that cylinders containing crushed oyster shells were installed in the storm drains in four locations at Dry Storage. Base line readings were done before the cylinders were installed and samples were taken later, as well. The report indicates a 62% reduction in zinc and a 54% reduction in copper. She recalled that part of the Port’s Level 3 Response to the DOE includes installing the cylinders in additional locations. She suggested that the Environmental Committee should meet to review the results and make a recommendation as to the next steps in the Port’s environmental plan. The intent is for the Facilities and Maintenance Manager to fabricate 16 additional cylinders for the Boatyard stormwater water outflow lines so they can be installed by the end of September before the rainy season.

Commissioner Preston asked how long it takes to manufacture the cylinders and how much they cost. Mr. McChesney answered that they don’t take long to make and can be fabricated for less than $50 each. Ms. Kempf added that it is easy to remove the cylinders to replace the oyster shells.

Mr. McChesney announced that Zachary Richardson, Edmonds Stormwater Engineer, will make a presentation on the Dayton Street Stormwater Pump Station at the August 26th meeting.

Commissioner Johnston asked how frequently the storm drain catch basins are cleaned out. Mr. McChesney answered that all of the catch basins are cleaned on a regular basis by either the Port or the City.


Commissioner Preston reported that he attended the July 16th City Council Meeting where Students Saving Salmon reported on their project to clean a culvert on 7th Avenue on Shell Creek. At that meeting, it was discussed that the City has some past due maintenance work totaling approximately $6 million to get the buildings where they need to be. He said he also attended the August 5th City Council Meeting where they discussed the status of the Dayton Street Stormwater Pump Station Project. It was also noted that the Waterfront Center Project is now about 40% over budget.

Commissioner Preston requested a status report on the Groundskeeping Chemical Pilot Project. Mr. McChesney said the project is currently underway and he anticipates a final report by the end of the month. They are finding that Rodeo works almost as well as Round Up. Given the recent focus on Round Up and the fact that Rodeo is an effective solution, maintenance staff has been directed to use that application instead.

Commissioner Preston reported that he met with State Representative Keith Goehner, a former Chelan County Council Member, to talk about pesticides, herbicides, salmon recovery and dams. The meeting was very informative. He said he would be interested to learn what products the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) uses, as he recently noticed a WSDOT truck spraying weeds along a rock wall in Tumwater Canyon, and it smelled like Round Up. He voiced concern that a large amount of the product was being used.

Commissioner Preston said he attended the recent City of Edmonds open house relative to the parking study. The attendees were divided into four groups and a lot of good ideas were shared. They will be talking with the people who enforce the City’s parking code. At this time, they chalk tires, but plan to move to an electronic license plate metering system.

Commissioner Preston said he would like to revise and/or replace the Port’s existing Mission Statement sometime before the end of the year to make it more concise and to the point.

Commissioner Preston said he plans to attend the Economic Alliance of Snohomish County’s Networking Event on August 21st. Commissioners Johnston, Orvis and Harris indicated they would attend, too. Commissioner Orvis indicated he would attend the Board meeting prior to the meeting, as well.

Commissioner Johnston reported that he attended the Washington Public Port Association (WPPA) Commissioners Seminar, which was outstanding. One thing he took away from the meeting is that the Port is doing things right and is in good shape from the standpoint of auditing, environmental practices, etc. The Port also has the advantage of having good relationships with other governmental entities and business associates. They are miles ahead of many ports with financial prudence, as well.

Commissioner Johnston announced that three orcas are presumed lost in the last year. Two were expected, and malnutrition was a significant factor. This loss more than offsets the two new calves that were born last year. He suggested that the loss will refocus and encourage the Puget Sound Partnership, the Orca Recovery Task Force and other groups to work together with one single mission. He said he submitted his comments to the task force, suggesting that they must focus specifically on chinook salmon recovery. He noted that the effort is supported by the WPPA, the Puget Sound Coalition and other agencies, and the key will be to get all of the agencies lined up with a single focus. He said he will continue to serve on the Orca Recovery Task Force.

Commissioner Johnston reported that he attended a presentation by K & L Gates regarding the removal of the lower Snake River dams, which is not going to happen any time soon. A federal analysis of the situation is anticipated in 2020. Recently, another study was done that claimed that removing the dams would result in more jobs and more recreational opportunities. However, it is important to note that removal would have enormous negative economic impact on Eastern Washington, Idaho, and Western Montana.

Commissioner Johnston said he participated with Port staff in a site tour to observe the conditions at Harbor Square Building 3.

Commissioners Johnston and Harris announced that they would meet with Mr. McChesney on August 14th to discuss the potential establishment of incubator business space at Harbor Square as suggested by the Edmonds Chamber. Commissioner Harris advised that she would meet with Kelly Frazee from Sound Salmon Solutions to talk about their plans for 2020.


The Commission meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Angela Harris
Port Commission Secretary