
PORT COMMISSION OF THE PORT OF EDMONDS   MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING    February 24, 2020 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Jim Orvis, President Angela Harris, Vice President (by phone) David Preston, Secretary Steve Johnston (by phone) COMMISSIONERS ABSENT Bruce Faires (excused) STAFF PRESENT Bob McChesney, Executive Director Marla Kempf, Deputy Director Tina Drennan, Finance Manager OTHERS PRESENT Bradford Cattle, Port Attorney CALL...

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is working with local communities to bring people together around the things we have in common - a desire for local food, clean water, and more salmon in our streams. The environmental problems we face today are...

PORT COMMISSION OF THE PORT OF EDMONDS   MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING December 30, 2019 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Steve Johnston, President Angela Harris, Secretary (by phone) Bruce Faires COMMISSIONERS ABSENT David Preston - ExcusedJim Orvis, Vice President - Excused STAFF PRESENT Bob McChesney, Executive Director Renae Ebel, Administrative Assistant CALL TO ORDER President Johnson called the meeting to order...

January 13, 2020  7:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER II. FLAG SALUTE III. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Agenda B. Approval of December 30, 2019 Meeting Minutes C. Approval of Payments D. Resolution No. 20-01, Reconfirming Schedule & Location of Port Commission Meeting E. Approval of Waiver of Notice of Special Meeting IV. PUBLIC...

PORT COMMISSION OF THE PORT OF EDMONDS  MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING           December 9, 2019 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Steve Johnston, President Jim Orvis, Vice President Angela Harris, Secretary (by phone) Bruce Faires David Preston STAFF PRESENT Bob McChesney, Executive Director Marla Kempf, Deputy Director Tina Drennan, Finance Manager OTHERS PRESENT Bradford Cattle, Port Attorney CALL TO...

December 30, 2019.  9:00 am.  Special Commission Meeting. I. CALL TO ORDER II. FLAG SALUTE III. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Agenda B. Approval of December 9, 2019 Meeting Minutes C. Approval of Payments D. Authorization for Executive Director to Write off $5,452.25 and Send Account to Collections E. Authorization for Executive Director...

PORT COMMISSION OF THE PORT OF EDMONDS MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING November 25, 2019 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Steve Johnston, President (by phone) Jim Orvis, Vice President Angela Harris, Secretary Bruce Faires David Preston STAFF PRESENT Bob McChesney, Executive Director Marla Kempf, Deputy Director Tina Drennan, Finance Manager OTHERS PRESENT Bradford Cattle, Port Attorney CALL TO ORDER Vice President Orvis called the...

Port of Edmonds Commission Meeting Agenda.  December 9, 2019.  7:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER II. FLAG SALUTE III. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Agenda B. Approval of November 25, 2019 Meeting Minutes C. Approval of Payments IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS (For any issues not already on the Agenda; 3 minute limit) V. POSSIBLE...

PORT COMMISSION OF THE PORT OF EDMONDS MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING.    November 12, 2019 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Steve Johnston, President (by phone) Jim Orvis, Vice President Angela Harris, Secretary Bruce Faires David Preston STAFF PRESENT Bob McChesney, Executive Director Marla Kempf, Deputy Director Tina Drennan, Finance Manager Brittany Williams, Manager of Properties and Marketing OTHERS PRESENT Jordan Stephens,...

Port of Edmonds Commission Meeting Agenda.  November 25, 2019.    7:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER II. FLAG SALUTE III. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Agenda B. Approval of November 12, 2019 Meeting Minutes C. Approval of Payments D. Approval of Mailer Printing Quote IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS (For any issues not already on...