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Travelift and Boat Yard Forms
BMP + Hold Harmless - Port of Edmonds
Customer Name (First, Last)
Date of Appointment
Customer Type
Port of Edmonds Tenant
If you would like to receive a copy of the BMP's, please enter your email address
Boatyard Best Management Practices - Please read before signing.
BMP-1 Before commencing any work, boatyard occupants are required to read and understand the BMP's and sign off on them. BMP-2 Conduct all boatyard activities in accordance with the listed environmental Best Management Practices, to prevent water, soil and air pollution. BMP-3 When stripping, sanding, scraping, painting, coating and/or varnishing any portion of the vessel, all particles, oils, grits, dusts, flakes, chips, drips, sediments, debris and other solids shall be collected and managed to prevent release into the environment. Drop cloths, tarps, drapes, shrouding or other protective devices are required to collect and manage such material and must be adequately secured around the vessel to resist wind from causing a release of collected solids. Port Employees will provide tape and plastic for use as drop cloths and enclosures. Any lose material on ground must be cleaned immediately following work. BMP-4 Boatyard spaces must be cleaned daily, the Port will charge a clean up fee if spaces are not cleaned at the end of the day, min charge $49.00 per person per 1/2 hour per day. BMP-5 Drip pans or other containment devices shall be used during all petroleum product transfer operations. A spill response kit is available in the boatyard. Use oil absorbent pads to contain and clean up spills. Promptly notify the Port of any spills that enter or threaten to enter the storm drain. BMP-6 No storage of paints, solvents and other chemicals is allowed on the ground under or around the boat. BMP-7 No containers larger than 5 gallons allowed in the boatyard. BMP-8 Bilges must be cleaned prior to doing work that penetrates the hull. Absolutely no bottom washing allowed. BMP-9 No toxic, hazardous, or volatile material can be used in the boatyard or while boat is in slings. No oil, fuel, bilge, sewage or greywater shall be discharged from the vessel. A list of vendors providing holding tank pump out services is available in the operations office. BMP-10 Contractors/vendors are responsible for disposing of all waste, no dumping of waste in the storm drains. Customers must dispose of collected waste solids in the waste solids drum provided by the Port and can dispose of used plastic or drop cloths to the dumpster once the collected solids have been removed. BMP-11 All spray painting must be pre-approved by Port Operations Supervisor prior to starting work. BMP-12 Only vacuum sanders or rotary tool meeting minimum performance standards for all antifouling paint removal are allowed. Non-vacuum grinders are prohibited. BMP-13 Abrasive grit blasting and ice blasting are prohibited. BMP-14 Boatyard occupants shall coordinate disposal of hazardous waste with Port Employee's who can assist with proper disposal of; absorbent pads, boat bottom sandings, oil filters and recycling of; fuel, used oil, antifreeze, transmission fluid, paints, solvents, varnish, bilgewater and batteries. A complete list of recyclable items can be found in the operations office. BMP-15 The use of antifouling paint containing Tributyl Tin is prohibited. Non-copper bottom paint is encouraged. BMP-16 Brooms, dust pans, and shop vacuums are available for check-out. If vacuums, dust pans and brooms are checked out it is the owners responsibility to return them when work is completed or the owner of the boat will be charged a replacement fee. Do not clean area by hosing down with water. BMP-17 Zincs used as sacrificial anodes shall not be disposed of into the water or into the trash. Spent zincs are to be placed in the Port's covered container for recycling.
I have read and understand the above BMP's
I understand the following:
There is a $100.00 violation fee for any violation of the BMP's, rules and conditions.
Travelift, Pressure Wash, and Boatyard Release of Liability - Hold Harmless and Other Conditions - Please read before signing.
1) Customer acknowledges some boats are vulnerable to damage from being lifted by the slings. Port is not responsible for damage to boats caused by lifting the boat or by the weight of the boat in the slings. 2) Customer must be present when the sling straps are placed on the customer's boat. Customer must tell the marina travel lift operator that such placement will not damage the boat, the hull, hull fittings, or other part of the boat or boats equipment. 3) All stays and other apparatuses that interfere with lifting boat must be removed by customer prior to appointment time. If critical supports need to be removed, it is customer's responsibility to secure items by methods sufficient to insure a safe haul-out. Port is not responsible for condition of critical support system and assumes no responsibility for customer's failure to secure. 4) Port accepts no responsibility and customer releases Port from any liability for damage for loss of items on boat or damage to boat while in slings, while being transported, or while boat is in boatyard. 5) Customer agrees to defend and hold Port harmless from any claim for damages resulting from the negligence of customer, customer's agents, employees, or independent contractors hired by customer. Port recommends customer verify with customer's insurance company that liability insurance will cover above risks and that property damage, personal injury, and/or loss will be covered during haul-out, transportation, and while boat is in boatyard whether damage, injury or loss is caused by weather, wind, vandalism, theft or any other cause. 6) Customer acknowledges security for boat and personal safety while in boatyard is their sole responsibility. 7) Additional Conditions: (a) Boat is not permitted to stay in boatyard more than thirty (30) days without written consent of Port. A leasehold tax will be imposed for the entire stay in the boatyard if period exceeds thirty (30) days. (b) Vessel owner and person performing work on vessel understand and agree not to move or adjust boat stands underneath the vessel and will contact Port staff for this service. (c) Customer shall do nothing while in boatyard which causes damage or endangers any other person or property. 8) Customer agrees that all boatyard regulations and Best Management Practices will be followed. 9) Customer accepts full responsibility for personal safety while working on or under the boat and will USE CAUTION WHEN WORKING ON TARPS.
I agree to pay all charges incurred for services provided.
Who will work on your boat while in the yard? Please list all vendors and individuals.
What project will be worked on in the yard? Please list all. (ex. bottom paint)
How many days do you plan to have the boat in the yard?
If you are human, leave this field blank.